Bennett Maxwell Banks
Bennett Maxwell Banks was my maternal grandfather, as he was to 14 grandchildren - my brothers and my cousins. Born in Plymouth in 1882 he described his life as three phases - his early years, his business career and finally his career as a Church of England priest. He hand-wrote his short autobiography on 53 right-hand pages of a foolscap Memoranda and Minute Book, starting to write his reminiscences in 1938 when Vicar of Barnham Broom in Norfolk, then adding notes of varying length on the left hand pages, seemingly at various times later in his life.
I transcribed this book some 30 years ago and have recently revisited it and so, rather than attempt to precis his life in my words, it can be viewed or downloaded from the links below.

The wedding of William Townsend and Nellie Banks Westcott, 12th September 1906. The wedding itself was in Holy Trinity Church, Plymouth.
Many of the Banks, Westcott and Townsend families are present. Bennett and his brothers are all in the back row, Bennett in the centre with a young lady on his right (believed to be Gertie Townsend, sister of the Groom). See key below - detail for which probably came from Gwen Durham.
If any member of the family has a better version of this photo' or can add to the key I would be pleased to update them. JCC

1 Alfred Parkhouse
2 Unknown
3 Unknown
4 Leslie Banks
5 Gertie Townsend - Sister of the Groom
6 Bennett Banks
7 Reginald Banks
8 Unknown
9 Bert Westcott
10 Unknown
11 Horace Banks
12 Robert Branwell 13 Nell Branwell 14 David Banks (father of Bennet etc.) 15 Hilda, nee Parkhouse 16 ? Simeon's Wife?
17 John Westcott - Father of the Bride and Husband of Bessie) 18 The Bride, Nell Townsend, nee Westcott 19 The Groom, Will Townsend 20 ? Gwen Westcott ? 21 ? Father of Groom - Harry Townsend ? 22 Blanche Shakerley, nee Westcott 23 Arthur Shakerley 24 Unknown 25 Gwen Black, nee Westcott 26 Clara Parkhouse 27 Muriel Parkhouse 28 Annie Parkhouse, nee Banks 29 Jane Tonkin Banks 30 Bessie Westcott, nee Banks 31 ? Mother of the Groom ? 32 May Westcott ? 33 Unknown 34 Ellen Banks (wife of David, No 14) 35 Jim Shakerley
The photographs and images below are of people and events described in Bennett's autobiography, or are of him at times he mentions.